(last step!) Booking page-3 of 3

Finalising your Model-3/Y booking…

NOTE: Your email below must match the one you used on page-1 of 3


By submitting the above form you have confirmed your booking request, our ‘car manager’ will look to approve your booking and match a car in 24~48HRs (72HRs if weekend submission)

OR - you can also Pay On-Line here: https://shareevbne.com.au/Checkout


Start and End times: All bookings ‘start’ at 9am (you can pick-up any time after 9am and before 11.59pm on your requested start date)

All bookings end in ‘24HR blocks’ from the 9am start time - i.e. if you book 2-days from 9am 25/04/2022 your booking ends at 8.59am 27/04/2022…

Above ‘RED’ rates are for PEAK times — Yellow may be on-offer if your booking is not +/- 7-days from ANY AU school holiday times or long weekends… (Green rates are for paid members only)

For any booking of 15-days+ - you can email: Millin.B@theAVking.com.au for a special offer!